Mommy is Snoring

Dearest Daughter,

We are 9 weeks away from the day that you are supposed to join us in this crazy world.  Your mother and I have been making all kinds of changes to get ready for that day – changes that include an incredibly stressful home renovation, lots of studying, and lots of purchasing of baby clothes/toys/gear.  These changes are nothing, however, compared to the physical changes that your mother has been undergoing over the past few months.

Lately, there is absolutely no mistaking that she is pregnant.  And in spite of the chilly nighttime temperatures, she has been wearing tanktops.  This is incredibly odd behavior for her when you realize that her typical night wear is something with long sleeves and/or the skin of a Tauntaun*.  The reality is that most of her clothes don’t fit her at the moment.  Of course, the hilarious part is that neither do the tanktops, as they only seem to cover an inch past her belly button.  But I digress…

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I fully understand the monumental, amazing, almost primal experience that she is going through and I appreciate it more than I will ever be able to express.

…having said that, she is now snoring.  A lot.  Loudly.

Love Always, Dad

*Your mother won’t get that last reference BUT BY GOD YOU WILL…

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