Holy crap, I just called myself “Dad”…

Well, I suppose there’s no turning back now…

In just over 15 weeks, your mother and I will finally get to meet you; to hold you.  The truth is, I’m terrified.  Everyone says that you’re never really ready to be a parent, you just rise to the occasion.  And I hope that I will.  I promise to learn to be a good father every moment of my life, and I promise to project as little as possible.  (USC is still off the table, though.)

Soon enough, I will be Dad, Daddy, Papa, etc.  I will be all of those things.  It will be the most important title I will ever receive and I hope I earn it daily.

So, 15.42857 weeks and counting.  I can’t wait to meet you.  Until then…

Love Always, Dad

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